
The moment when

you see yourself in them.

Mentorship is proven to help students succeed in their personal, academic, and professional endeavors. With our busy schedules, it can be hard to know where to start, but just 1-2 hours a month can change the trajectory of a students life.

Our personalized mentoring experience allows you to connect with students no matter your location and on your schedule.  If you’re not sure where to start, there are guidelines, icebreakers, and other resources, on this site to guide you along the way.

What’s the commitment?

  • 16-week mentorship (1-2 hours per month)
  • Quick chats (15-30 minutes)
  • Circles of Success (Group Mentoring)
  • Share experiences and feedback

Quick chats more your style?

If a 16-week mentorship doesn’t suit your schedule, make yourself available for a quick chat! This allows students to connect with you for 15-30-minute conversations to ask their work, life and career-related questions. You may even find that you two would make a good mentoring match!

How to get started

Create Profile

Log in with LinkedIn to pull your profile picture and email or set up your account via email. Either way you get to share your interests, experiences and background to give mentees context. Consider opting into the text message feature for a quicker way to receive mentor requests!

Respond to Request

Mentees can find the right person for them based on a variety of criteria including: industry, major, location and more. Once someone has requested you as a mentor please respond as soon as possible – other mentees are unable to request you if there is a response pending.

Connect from anywhere

You can connect with your mentee in person or virtually - making it easier to fit into your busy schedule.