The Basics

For Students:

For Mentors:

For Mentors and Mentees:

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The Basics

What is the UGA Mentor Program?

The UGA Mentor Program, the University's first comprehensive mentorship initiative, is a digital platform which allows students to form mentoring relationships and/or schedule 15-30 minute Quick Chats with UGA Mentors (faculty, staff, and alumni), regardless of geographic location, who can help make their future a little clearer.

What is the vision, mission, and norms of the UGA Mentor Lab?

Vision: Every UGA student has a mentor in their corner prior to going beyond the Arch

Mission: To foster a culture of mentoring across the University:

What are the goals for the UGA Mentor Program?

  • Support students in developing their personal and professional networks with UGA staff, faculty, alumni and friends (i.e. Board members) of the University.
  • Provide an avenue for students to explore professional goals, career interests, and workplace preferences.
  • Help students to gain an appreciation for mentoring as a personal and professional development tool.
  • Provide a meaningful opportunity for staff, faculty, alumni, and friends to connect with UGA students around life, career, and professional experiences.
  • Inspire staff, faculty, alumni, and friends to strengthen their relationship with and support of the University.

Who is eligible to participate in the UGA Mentor Program?

  • Mentees = UGA students (undergraduate, graduate and professional students)
  • Mentors = UGA staff, faculty, alumni, and friends of the University (Board members)

If I do not reside in Athens, Georgia, may I still participate in the UGA Mentor Program?

Absolutely! This is a global program without geographic boundaries; students and alumni of UGA living anywhere in the world are strongly encouraged to participate. Students and mentors can connect via numerous channels: 1) In-person, 2) phone, 3) email, or 4) video chat.

How are students and mentors connected?

  • Using the UGA Mentor Program online platform, students and mentors will each complete a profile. After students complete their profiles, the platform will present students with 3 suggested mentors.
  • Students may request a mentor from this list, or they can search for a different mentor based on available search criteria to narrow down the selection.
  • Once the student requests a mentor, the UGA Mentor has the opportunity to either accept or decline the request, establishing mutual ownership in the mentorship connection process.
  • Students can also connect with a UGA Mentor through a Quick Chat for 15-30 minutes (formerly known as informational interviews).

What is the purpose of a Quick Chat?

  • The purpose of the Quick Chat is to provide UGA students with another opportunity to spend time with experienced alumni professionals or faculty and staff in their career field of interest.
  • Also, they may be useful in a graduate or professional school search, as you seek to find the best program fit for your academic and professional goals.
  • These quick connections also offer a wonderful opportunity for students and mentors to have a discussion to determine if the two of them are a good fit for a 16-week mentorship.

I created an account; however, I never received the confirmation email. What should I do?

  • First, please check your junk/spam email box.
  • If the confirmation email is not there, please contact us at We will confirm your account.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

How long does it approximately take to complete a profile?

It will take you approximately 15-30 minutes to complete your profile. Please note that you will save time in the profile creation process if you initially create your account via LinkedIn. Following, you can copy and paste all of your work experience from your LinkedIn profile into your mentor profile.

Who can see my profile information?

Students cannot view other students, and mentors cannot search student profiles. Once a student makes a mentoring request, that individual mentor will be able to view the student’s profile in order to determine if they believe the mentoring connection is a good fit.

Where should our mentorship meetings occur?

All in-person meetings should take place in a public location, such as a coffee shop. Meetings can also take place via phone or video chat.

What activities and discussion topics should mentees and mentors engage in?

Please check out all of our Resources, especially the Suggested Activities and Discussion Topics.

What should I do if I have questions that are not answered online?

We would be glad to help! We are located in Clark Howell Hall and would be happy to meet with you, or discuss your question via email. Email us at with questions or to set up a meeting, and we will get back to you with an answer at our earliest convenience.

What should I do if I have constructive feedback and/or recommendations regarding the UGA Mentor Program?

We never stop searching for better answers and solutions; therefore, we would greatly appreciate your constructive feedback and recommendations. Please share with us at

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For Students:

Why should I participate in the UGA Mentor Program?

  • Connecting with your Bulldog family can help you get ahead in life and career, but it can also be a little intimidating. The UGA Mentor Program helps foster community and connections with other Bulldogs to help you get started!
  • The UGA Mentor Program is a unique opportunity for you to form meaningful and impactful relationships with an experienced pool of 5,000+ UGA Mentors (faculty, staff, and/or alumni) that will extend beyond campus.
  • Also, you can connect with a UGA Mentor in a mentoring relationship and/or via a 15-30 minute Quick Chat.

What's the commitment?

In a mentoring relationship:
- 1-2 hours/month
- 16 week mentorship
- Ask questions, be curious
- Express gratitude

For a Quick Chat (formerly known as informational interviews):
- 15-30 minutes
- Ask questions, be curious
- Express gratitude

Who serve as mentors in the UGA Mentor Program?

  • Mentors = UGA staff, faculty, alumni, and friends of the University (Board members)
  • Their knowledge, experience, and perspective will inspire you to achieve your personal and professional goals.

As a student, what is expected of me in the UGA Mentor Program?

  • Commit to the mentoring relationship for the full length of the program (16 weeks).
  • Connect with mentor on a regular basis (once a month phone call, video chat, in-person meeting, or email conversation).
  • Respond and communicate to your mentor in a timely manner.
  • Work with mentor to set goals. Solicit constructive feedback and guidance to promote personal and professional development related to these goals.
  • Seek guidance to enhance networking, communication, problem solving, and interviewing skills.
  • Avoid asking for an internship or job opportunity.
  • If you are no longer able to commit to the full mentorship, you can use the Closure Conversation Guide resource to wrap up your connection.

What are the mentee do's and dont's?

Mentee DO's:
- Commit at least 1-2 hours per month to your mentoring relationship.
- Take initiative in reaching out to your mentor to regularly schedule meetings.
- Establish expectations for mentorship, detailing the frequency of interactions, duration of meetings, and location of meetings.
- Accept and act upon constructive feedback.
- Honor your mentor's time by preparing discussion topics prior to each meeting.
- Keep all scheduled appointments, and notify your mentor if you need to cancel a meeting.
- Display professional behavior by responding in a timely manner.
- Send your mentor a handwritten thank you card or email for their contributions to your personal or professional development.
- Follow-up with your mentor down the road to inform them of how you have applied their wisdom.

Mentee DON'Ts:
- Arrive late to meetings or conference calls.
- Violate confidence. Discussions should stay between you and your mentor unless there is suspicious behavior or policy violations. Please email if you have concerns.
- Ask your mentor to be a reference for you before you have developed a rapport with them.
- Be unresponsive to your mentor (i.e., request a mentor and stop responding to them).
- Ask for an internship or job opportunity from your mentor.
- Use inappropriate language or communicate in ways that are derogatory, unprofessional or disrespectful.
- Solicit donations of any kind.

What's the purpose of a Quick Chat?

  • The purpose of the Quick Chat is to provide you with an opportunity to conduct 15-30 minute conversations with experienced UGA alumni, faculty or staff that align with your unique interests and career development.
  • They may be useful in a graduate or professional school search, as you seek to find the best program fit for your academic and professional goals.
  • These quick connections offer a wonderful opportunity for you and your mentor to have a conversation to determine if the two of you are a good fit for a 16-week mentorship.

How do I move a UGA Mentor to a past connection to conduct another Quick Chat?

After you conclude the Quick Chat, you should move the mentor to a prior connection. You can do this by logging into your account at and clicking on the "Release from Mentorship/Quick Chat" button on your current connection. This will allow you to request a Quick Chat with another mentor.

How many mentors may I have at one time?

Because the formal mentorship duration is only 16-weeks, you can only connect with one mentor at a time within the platform. Once your 16-week mentorship concludes, you can request a new mentor. You are able to have both a 16-week mentorship and quick chat connection at the same time. Quick chat connections do not automatically release. You will have to manually conclude the quick chat connection in order to request mentors for more quick chats.

The platform will not allow me to request another mentor. Why is this the case?

You can only request one 16-week mentorship at a time. If you have requested a mentor and they have not responded within 7 days, we recommend cancelling the request in order to request another mentor. Feel free to follow-up with the mentor during that timeframe. We know it might be discouraging not hearing back from a mentor. If you need any help requesting a mentor, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

I found a mentor I'd like to work with, but the button for "Request Mentor" isn't there. Instead, it says "Mentor [Name] cannot be requested at this time". What does this mean?

The mentorship platform only allows UGA mentors (faculty, staff, alumni) to mentor up to two students at a time. Mentors can select in their account settings how many students they're willing to mentor at one time -- one or two students. If you see the language "Mentor [Name] cannot be requested at this time," this means that this mentor has been maxed out with the number of mentees they're willing to work with at this time. Once the mentor formally concludes one of their mentoring relationships, they will become available again and you can request them. In the meantime, we recommend you bookmark their profile by hovering over the "More" button and clicking the "Bookmark Profile" button. This will add a quick-access link to their profile in your Bookmarks tab, meaning you can easily get to their profile and check to see their availability anytime you log into the platform.

I requested a mentor and did not receive a response. What should I do?

Please give them several days; they are busy personally and professionally. If after 7 days you don't hear from your requested mentor, log into your account and cancel the request. Feel free to follow up with the mentor during that timeframe. They may have just missed your message! However, if you still hear no response, you can request another mentor.

If you're still having issues, don't hesitate to contact us at We are here to serve and support you; we will help you find a mentor.

Why did a mentor decline my request?

There may be a variety of reasons why a requested UGA Mentor declined your request. They simply may not have the capacity to mentor at this given time. Do not get disheartened. Log back into the UGA Mentor Program, and search for and request another mentor. There are more Bulldog mentors that would love the opportunity to connect with you. The right fit is just around the corner!

What can I do to get the most out of my mentoring relationship?

We are excited that you are thinking of this question. Ensure that you review our Resources tab, and continue to connect with mentors. You may connect with 1 16 week and 2 Quick Chats at the same time. Of course, after you complete these connections, you can connect again!

How often should I meet with my mentor?

Once connected, we ask the mentor and mentee to discuss how much time they can commit to the relationship and the duration of their relationship. Our suggestion is invest 1-2 hours/month, but the most important objective is to achieve the set goals.

What should I do if I am experiencing challenges in my mentorship?

If the mentorship is not working and/or if you need support, be sure to contact us at rather than waiting until after the mentorship concludes to voice your concerns. We are here to serve and support you.

What should I do if I have concerns about my mentor?

  • Click on the mentor's profile and hover over the "More" button.
  • Select the “Contact Admin" flag icon, and include a message of why you are concerned about this individual.
  • You can also notify UGA Mentor Program team directly via emailing and/or calling 706-542-3375.

Is there a limit to the number of times I can participate in the UGA Mentor Program?

No, our goal is that you develop a network prior to going beyond the Arch to ensure that you are getting a variety of experience and perspectives from your mentors.

You can also gain more personal and professional clarity and career connections through the Quick Chat feature!

I have an extraordinary mentor. May I recommend them to a fellow student?

Absolutely! You can recommend your mentor to other students or even share a short testimonial about your experience.

Recommending your mentor to others:
- Click on your mentor's profile picture icon
- Hit the "More" button
- Click the "Recommend To" button
- Type the fellow student's email address (It can be any student; they don't have to be a current participant in the UGA Mentor Program)
- Click "Send"

Submit a testimonial about your experience:
- Log into your account.
- On your homepage, look for the "Has your mentoring relationship been successful? Share your story here." text.
- Click on the red, hyperlinked text to submit your story!

What could I offer my mentor?

  • Share articles, podcasts, and/or books that your mentor will enjoy.
  • Offer a new perspective on their industry.
  • Share information about the most current technology and/or applications.
  • Educate mentors on how professors see new industry trends.
  • Share relevant parts of your personal and professional network with your mentor.

What if I want to continue meeting with my mentor after our mentoring relationship formally concludes in the platform?

If you and your mentor agree that you want to continue the mentoring relationship, that is fantastic! Be sure to check with your mentor to confirm that they want to continue the relationship and have the time to continue investing in the relationship.

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For Mentors:

Why should I serve as a mentor?

Being part of the Bulldog Nation goes way beyond a valuable degree. It’s a like-minded community that shares your values and aspirations. College and beyond is exciting, but navigating new territory and new challenges that come with it can be overwhelming. Mentorship has proven to be life-changing with research showing that through friendship and acceptance, a mentor helps students to develop a sense of professional competence and self-esteem needed to achieve career success. In fact, 75% of the top executives in the United States had been mentored, and compared with their counterparts, they earned 28% more, were more likely to have a degree, were happier with work, and were more likely to mentor others . It’s also shown that students are more likely to have increased academic achievement when they have a mentor in college. You can be a part of inspiring the next generation of Bulldogs. With your wisdom and guidance, we can work together to make sure students maximize their UGA experience by connecting with the Bulldog Nation.

What is expected of me as a mentor?

  • Commit to the mentoring relationship for the full length of the program (16 weeks).
  • Connect with student mentee on a regular basis (e.g., once a month phone call, in-person meeting, or email conversation), providing mentee with adequate opportunities for interaction.
  • Work with student mentee to set goals for the program and provide feedback and guidance related to these goals.
  • Share experiences and feedback to develop mentee's networking, communication, problem solving, and interviewing skills.
  • Engage in campus and student life to learn more about the mission and positive impact of the University.

Are there any requirements for being a mentor?

UGA staff, faculty, alumni, and friends of the University (i.e. Board members) are eligible to serve as mentors in the UGA Mentor Program. Whether you are one year out of college, retired, at the peak of your career, or anywhere in between, you have valuable experience and wisdom to offer UGA students.

We have over 5,600+ experienced UGA mentors located across the globe.

What is the process to become a mentor?

First, complete your profile. You can use your LinkedIn login information to create an account or set up an account using your preferred email and password. Students will be able to view your profile and reach out to request mentorship. It may take a while for a student to discover you due to the size of the program; therefore, please be patient. If you receive a request, we hope you'll accept it. However, you do have the option to decline a student if you simply don't think it's a good fit.

How many students can I mentor at one time?

Mentors can select up to two mentees for a 16-week mentorship at one time. This is only encouraged if you truly have the capacity to commit to two mentorship relationships.

You can also opt into quick chats. You are able to host up to 5 quick chats at a time.

How do I adjust the number of students I will mentor at one time?

  • Log in and click on the “My Account” tab either at the top right-hand side of your screen or in the ribbon on the left-hand side of the screen.
  • Then, select the “Participation” tab, and use the drop down to set the maximum number of mentees you would like to connect with at one time (1 or 2).

Will I be bombarded by students requesting me to be their mentor?

No, the mentoring platform limits the number of students who can request you as a mentor. Once you have been requested by a student, you will be removed from the mentor pool. Please note that it is dependent upon how many students that you indicate you would like to mentor.

How do I know when a student wants me to be their mentor?

You will receive an email and/or text message once a student requests you to be their mentor.

You are able to opt in to receive text notifications when a student requests or messages you. This is helpful when emails fail to send to your account due to placement in spam folders or change of email address.

I've signed up as a mentor. Why haven't I been requested as a mentor yet?

We are grateful for your willingness invest in the next generation of Bulldogs via the UGA Mentor Program. After you register for this mentoring program, it may take some time before you are matched with a student, since this is a student-driven program. Mentees are able to search for mentors in our database using select search criteria.

The UGA Mentor Program has to ensure a surplus of UGA Mentors to students so that students have a vast array of backgrounds to choose from. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure your profile is complete and compelling. We hope to engage alumni who are not currently mentoring students in other capacities. There is a possibility that you may not be selected or that being selected could take a number of weeks or months, so prepare yourself for that possibility.

What is the role of a mentor?

Role of a Mentor

  • Kram (1985) notes that mentors serve two primary functions: career support and psychosocial support. Career support can include helping the new professional learn best practices, methods of advancement, and options for career pathing. Psychosocial support can include the emotional well-being and growth in self-efficacy of the new professional.

Mentors also...

  • Provide a different breadth of experience

  • Provide tailored guidance and support

  • Create a safe environment for self exploration and examination, for considering new ways of thinking, of viewing the world acting, and for change

  • Enable growth and self-efficacy: that is, through the learning partnership the mentee gains the skills and confidence to act effectively independent of the mentor…and mentees form an emotional bond

Eby, Allen, Hoffman, et al (2013). An interdisciplinary meta-analysis of the potential antecedents, correlates, and consequences of protégé perceptions of mentoring. Psychological Bulletin, 139 (2), 441-476.

I received a mentor request from a student with a different major or professional interest. How can I ensure a quality mentoring experience?

You have much more to offer the next generation of Bulldogs than solely career advice. Students are instructed during registration to provide you with context on why they want you to be their mentor. If a student requests specific career advice that you cannot offer, consider connecting your mentee with other Bulldogs you know in that industry. In turn, this demonstrates the importance of having a network and will help students develop their own personal and professional network. Find and provide your mentee with resources that will be helpful to their industry. Remember, you can always work on ensuring your mentee develops essential skills for the workforce (leadership, communication, interpersonal skills, active listening, etc.) that transcend all professional industries.

How do I decline a student's mentor request?

To decline a student's mentor request, select the button just below the mentee's headshot on your home page that says "Decline". You can send the student a message if you would like or simply press decline. The student will be alerted via email that their request was unsuccessful, and they are encouraged to search for and request another mentor.

What should I do if I am not consistently receiving messages from my mentee?

Please be sure to check your spam folder for any potential lost messages. If the problem persists, we encourage you to message your mentee to discuss whether they have over-committed and if it's in the best interest of both parties to release from the mentoring relationship. If you never hear back from the student, you can log-in to the platform and release from the mentoring relationship. Then, you will be back in the mentor pool for other students to request you as their mentor.

You can also contact us at, and we will assist in contacting your mentee.

What if I am concerned about my mentee? What if the student discloses concerning information about their personal state?

If you would like to report concern for a UGA student, Student Care & Outreach encourages you to submit an online report. Expressing concern proactively can help with early intervention and success. Once received, a staff member will contact you for more information.

You can flag a student's account, and a member of our team will be notified to follow up with both you and the mentee. To flag an account, click on the student's profile image, select the "more" dropdown box, and click on the "Contact admin..." to notify our team.

For emergencies, please contact 911.

What if I want to continue meeting with a student after our mentoring relationship formally concludes in the platform?

If you and the student agree that you want to continue the mentoring relationship, that is fantastic! Be sure to check with the student to confirm that they want to continue the relationship and have the time to continue investing in the relationship. You can also use our Closure Conversation Guide to help discuss your next steps.

May I suspend my account without deleting it if I need a break?

Yes. If you find that it is an especially busy time for you or you just need a break, you can suspend your account indefinitely or for a set amount of time by visiting the “My Account” section when you are logged into the platform. Click on the tab that says “Participation”. Uncheck the box that says “I want to be searchable in UGA Mentor Program”. Below that, list the start date in which you want to become invisible and the date in which you want to become visible again. If you need to suspend your account indefinitely, just uncheck the box, and you will no longer be searchable in the database. When you are ready to be searchable again, log back in, and check the box to opt back into the program.

How do I delete my account?

If it is a busy time for you or you just need a break, feel free to suspend your account indefinitely or for a set amount of time by visiting the “My Account” section when you are logged into the platform. Click on the tab that says “Participation”. Uncheck the box that says “I want to be searchable in UGA Mentor Program”. Below that, list the start date in which you want to become invisible and the date in which you want to become visible again. If you need to suspend your account indefinitely, just uncheck the box, and you will no longer be searchable in the database. When you’re ready to be searchable again, log back in, and check the box to be opted back into the program.

If you would rather delete your account permanently, please email for assistance.

How do I opt-in to the Quick Chat feature?

In addition to traditional mentoring, we want to offer students an option to request Quick Chats. These are not intended to be long-term mentoring relationships. In addition to your max mentee(s), please indicate the number of students (0-5) who may contact you for a 15-30-minute Quick Chat. If you wish only to receive mentoring requests, please select 0. 

We defaulted your setting to 0; we wanted you to have the choice to opt-in to offering Quick Chats for 0-5 students at any given time. Now, you have the option to determine if you have the capacity to mentor and/or be open to Quick Chats. We want this to work around your schedule.

Below, you will find the logistics to update your preferences to indicate whether you have the capacity to mentor and/or conduct Quick Chats.

  • Log into your account at
  • Click the “Profile” icon
  • Select “Edit”
  • Click “Program Info”
  • Edit your preferences to serve students via mentoring and/or Quick Chats:
  • How many students are you willing to mentor at a time? (Indicate 0-2)
  • How many Quick Chats are able to accommodate in your schedule? (Indicate 0-5)

A student request for a Quick Chat will come directly to your email. You may respond to the student to coordinate the Quick Chat at that time.

After you conclude the Quick Chat, you should move the student to a prior connection. You can do this by logging into your account at and selecting "Release from Mentorship/Quick Chat" on the connection. This will allow one additional student to request a Quick Chat with you.

What if my mentee needs additional academic support?

All UGA students have an academic advisor within the school or college in which they are enrolled. Additionally, the Office for Student Success and Achievement offers Academic Coaching and Peer Tutoring, alongside a number of innovative programs, services, and student-centered initiatives. You or your mentee can reach out to,, or for additional support.

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For Mentors and Mentees:

How do I self-release from a mentoring relationship?

Our hope is that you don't have to self-release from your mentorship. Please contact us at to help you. However, if it comes to the point where you want to release, you can take the steps listed below:

  • When viewing your match in the UGA Mentor Program platform, select the dropdown menu in the top right corner labeled "More."
  • Select the "Release from Mentorship/Quick Chat" option.
  • Explain the reasoning for ending your mentoring relationship prior to the match period.
  • If you've pressed this by mistake, please email for assistance re-establishing your connection.